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Blockchained data.

Unfoulable. Real time.

Sensor-driven analytics.


Health, Safety, & Organic First.

U.R.E.C. detection within food-waste and sequestration from nutrient formulations for organic certification.

Organic compliance to resolve public concern over Unavoidable Residual Environmental Contaminants (UREC).

Soil composition mapping of university extension farms and subscription fertilizer customer farms that seek transition to organic certification.


Soil composition mapping and fertilizer formulation precision, tailored to crop species per farm.


Precision atmospheric control per crop species within vertical farming operations to maximize yield and quality.

Sensor-driven atmospheric control and nutrient applications within hydroponic vertical farming operations specific to each crop.

Each SEED's academic partners build upon data collection to develop a growing portfolio of crop-specific nutrient profiles specific to native species.


SEEDs provide regional research & development of crop-specific nutrient profiles and growing conditions.

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Precise control over bacterial formulations in fermentation & anaerobic digestion to optimize performance.

Adaptive operations of anaerobic digestion and fermentation operations based upon fluctuations in food-waste composition.

Integration into existing blockchain food-safety networks like IBM's "Food Trust", enables public awareness of food-system safety and health.

Development toward crop nutrient composition encourages opportunities to tailor plant growth for optimized human health, harvested and delivered locally at the peak of ripeness.

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